
Sunflower Protein

Sunflower is the world’s third-largest oilseed crop — behind soy and canola/rapeseed — and is a natural oilseed source of non-GMO, non-allergenic, clean label protein.  Sunflower seed is an excellent source of nutrition, composing of approximately 21% protein, 51% oil with a rich source of dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals.  Once the oil is extracted from the seeds, the remaining meal by-product is traditionally fed to livestock as animal feed.

By upcycling the sunflower meal by-product, Burcon’s proprietary process allows for the production of highly pure, food-grade protein ingredients from sunflower seeds.  The end product is a highly sustainable, great-tasting protein ingredient for use in various food and beverage applications around the world.

Clean Taste

Neutral flavor and aroma

Ease of formulation


High dispersibility & stability



Excellent amino acid profile

High quality plant protein nutrition

Rich in sulfur-containing amino acids

Neutral Taste & Off-White Color


90% Protein Purity

Gluten- & Allergen-Free Non-GMO

Solatein™ sunflower protein boasts a neutral flavor, off-white color and exceptional functionality, providing ease of formulation in a variety of food applications, in particular, those with delicate flavors.  With over 90% protein purity, Solatein™ is a non-GMO, hypoallergenic protein that surpasses the performance of protein ingredients on the market today.  It is rich in sulfur-containing amino acids, which enhances nutritional profiles and complements existing formulations.


  • Ready-to-Drink Beverages
  • Ready-to-Mix Beverages
  • Dairy Alternatives
  • Baked Goods
  • Snacks and Bars
  • Meat Analogues
  • Sports Nutrition


  • High Protein
  • Dairy-free
  • Egg-free
  • Gluten-free
  • Vegan
  • Plant-based